Monday, September 3, 2012

Est Magazines

The pics above are copied from Est Magazines 5 and 6. 
If you click on the images beneath you'll be linked to the issues. You will enjoy them - promised!

♥ Emilie's daughter 

PS. Message for Sarah of Down by the sea:
Dear Sarah,
I somehow cannot make any comment on your new blog. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for answering! 


  1. Hej Christa,
    danke für deinen lieben Kommentar auf meinem Blog!
    Schöne Bilder und ein schönes Magazin!

  2. Hello Christa

    This look very interesting and thank you for sharing. I am going to make a cappucino and sit and feast my eyes on this beauty

    Helen xx

  3. Such beautiful, clean lines. Thank you for sharing! I hope you have a wonderful week.

  4. Thank you for your message I can't understand what has happened I have sent you an email.
    Sarah x

  5. Thanks for introducing us to this magazine. Absolutely stunning images!
    Thanks SO much for coming to visit my new blog (it's a scary thing to close a successful blog to do another one), and for following it!
    Have a wonderful day!
