It turned out to be bread with a crunchy crust yet inside soft and fluffy.
The loaf weighed 750 g and stayed fresh to the last crumb.
Should you like to try it as well then here comes the recipe:
430 g flour
1 1/4 teaspoons seasalt
1/4 teaspoon dried yeast
3 dl + 4 tablespoons lukewarm water
(you can easily double the amount)
mix flour, seasalt and yeast
add water
mix to a dough (max. 1 minute)
cover the bowl with aluminium foil and
a plate and allow to stand at room temperature for
12 to 18 hours
dough after 12 hours
fold the outside of the dough towards the centre allow to stand for another 15 minutes
in the meantime flour a towel
pour the dough onto the towel
shape a loaf
cover with the towel, allow to stand for another 1 or 2 hours
preheat the oven to 240°C together with a casserole (lid on top)
pour the dough into the hot casserole
(floured side is now on the bottom of the casserole)
sprinkle with flour
cover with the lid and put back into the oven (240°C)
allow to bake for another 25 minutes
et voilà - that's how it looks at the end!
This bread was a present for a friend and that is how I wrapped it.
Due to the small amount of yeast the dough takes its time to merge. Baking it in the casserole simulates the situation in a stone oven. The steam cannot escape and this is the reason why the crust becomes really crispy. On top of it the bread remains fresh for several days.
Baking this wonderful bread really takes time and planning.
But isn't that so with all the beautiful things in life?
Have a great day and do try the recipe - you'll get rewarded!
I am curious what you tell me about the result!
Emilie's daughter
pictures via me
Will definitely try this recipe! Thks for sharing!