Monday, December 24, 2012

Two recipes before wishing you Merry Christmas

Before wishing you Merry Christmas I'd like to share two last minute recipes with you.

The first one is Mulled wine syrup.

It's done quickly but the effect is fab:

For about 1 litre you need:

1 orange (organic)

2 lemons (organic)
5 dl red grape juice
300g brown sugar
1 tea bag black tea
1 star anis
2 gloves
4 cardamom capsules
2 slices fresh ginger
1/2 vanille bean slashed

Peel the orange and from one lemon, be careful that there is no white skin from the fruits on the peels.

Press out the juice from all the fruits.
Add grape juice, sugar, peels, juice, tea bag and all spices in a pan, mix and let come to the boil. Turn off the head and let stand for at least 3o minutes. Re-boil and fill in clean, hot rinsed bottles and close them immediately. Good for about 6 months in a cool place.

These bottles go to my neighbors. They always get a little something from me for Christmas.

The second recipe is "Chicken liver terrine". It's a French recipe - people in France love to spread terrines on their baguettes and eat it with gherkins and a glass of red wine. You will be prepared if some guests come at short notice but it is also a special present.

This recipe is also dead-easy. It needs a little time afterwards as the terrine is best two or three days after preparation. 

For 2 glasses:

250 chicken liver

2 shallots, finely chopped
125 g Butter, melted
2 tbsp Cognac, Porto or Sherry
Marjoram (or other herbs)
Salt, Pepper

Steam the shallots slightly in butter, add the liver, roast gently until the liver is browned on the outside but still pink in the inside. Add to a bowl together with salt, pepper, marjoram, melted butter and cognac. Mix together by using a blender until all is smooth. Fill in a terrine or in glass jars. If you like you can add some jelly on top. Let stand in the fridge for two or three days. The terrine must be eaten within a week. 

Well, my dear blogging friends. That's all for today. 
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas Eve with your beloved ones. 
Have fun and enjoy!

Impression from Beatrice's House

♥ Emilie's daughter 

pics by me

1 comment:

  1. Hallo Christa!Both recipes are amazing!I'll try to fix the fist!Wishing to you and your family,Merry Christmas with love and joy!
